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35th International Byron Conference

35th International Byron Society Conference


35th International Byron Society Conference

General theme: “Lord Byron and History”
September 6-13, 2009
Organized by the Messolonghi Byron Society
Athens-Messolonghi, Greece


Broadcast announcement
of the 35th International Byron Conference

The 35th International Byron Conference will be held September 6-13, 2009 at Athens University and Messolonghi, with a tour (with over night stay) to Nafplion, Mycenae, Epidauros.

Celebrating Lord Byron in Greece
Annual conference to commemorate 200 years since British poet’s first journey to the country.
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Το Μεσολόγγι καλεί βυρωνιστές,
200 χρόνια μετά το πρώτο ταξίδι του Βύρωνα στην Ελλάδα.
(Εφημερίδα Καθημερινή)
Το πλήρες άρθρο