CALL FOR PAPERS - 8th International Student Byron Conference
8th International Student Byron Conference
27-31 May 2013
Theme: Byron’s Years of Fame
Program and registration details will be available from late September 2012 on the following websites:, www. internationalbyronsociety. orgPlease send 250-word proposals to Professor Peter Graham ( and to (, by February 1,2013.
Download poster from here
Click here for the Registration Form
Student Conferences
- Student Byron Conferences
- 1st Student Byron Conference
- 2nd Student Byron Conference
- 3rd Student Byron Conference
- 4th Student Byron Conference
- 5th Student Byron Conference
- 6th Student Byron Conference
- 7th Student Byron Conference
- 8th Student Byron Conference
- 9th Student Byron Conference
- 10th Student Byron Conference
- 11th Student Byron Conference
- 12th Student Byron Conference
- 13th Student Byron Conference
- 14th Student Byron Conference
- 15th Student Byron Conference