The 40th International Byron Conference in Georgia

We are pleased to inform you that the 40th International Byron Conference, will be held in Georgia at Tbilisi State University on the following topic: ‘’Byron Original and Byron Translated’’.

Later we will offer more detailed information.

The dates have been already agreed and they are as follows:

Arrival: Sunday, 22nd June, 2014, Opening, Plenary.

Sessions and Activities: from 23rd June, Monday – till 27th June, Friday.

Departures: 28th June, Saturday, 2014.

Registration for the conference, travels and dinners, etc. will be free.

Four star Hotel ( prices are expected: $95 per night for single occupancy, $60 – double occupancy.

Further announcements concerning the hotels, activities, etc. and call for papers will appear on the International Byron Society web-site in early October.

Preliminary confirmations are welcome.

Professor Innes Merabishvili,
President of the Byron Society of Georgia