14th Student Conference Sessions
Sessions of Student Papers and Lectures TUESDAY 21 May 2019Papers in the Byron House 17:30 Welcome addresses. Papers at the Byron House 18:00 - 19:00…
Sessions of Student Papers and Lectures TUESDAY 21 May 2019Papers in the Byron House 17:30 Welcome addresses. Papers at the Byron House 18:00 - 19:00…
General theme: "Byron and Revolution" 20-25 May 2015 Messolonghi Byron Society - Byron Research Center Conference Proceedings View Photo Album General Program Sessions of lectures…
Conference Proceedings 12th International Student Byron Conference, 19-24 May 2017 Messolonghi, Greece “Byron and Nature” Friday 19 May 2017 On Friday 19 May, the 12th…
Conference Proceedings 11th International Student Byron Conference, 23-28 May 2016 Messolonghi, Greece “Byron and the Summer of 1816”MONDAY 23 May 2016On Monday 23 May, the…
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Proceedings of the 10th International Student Byron ConferenceMay 22-27, 2015 Messolonghi-GreeceThe Tenth International Student Byron Conference, held from May 22-27, 2015 in Messolonghi, Greece, appropriately…
The 9th International Student Byron Conference was held in Messolonghi from 21st – 25th May 2014. Attendees travelled from Greece, Lebanon, the UK, and the…
The 8th International Student Byron Conference took place in Messolonghi from 27-31 May 2013. The conference, which was hosted by the Messolonghi Byron Society, brought…