7th Student Conference – Call for Papers
General theme: "Lord Byron and His Times"June 20-24, 2011Messolonghi Byron Society - Byron Research Center The Messolonghi Byron Research Center solicits 20-minute papers for this…
General theme: "Lord Byron and His Times"June 20-24, 2011Messolonghi Byron Society - Byron Research Center The Messolonghi Byron Research Center solicits 20-minute papers for this…
The Messolonghi Byron Society underwrites a travel grants program for graduate students with scholarly interests in Byron.Each year, the MBS offers up to two grants…
Tuesday 28 May 2013, Papers in the Byron House09:15 Welcome addresses Session One | 09:30 - 11:00Chair: Dr. Peter Myrian, Indianapolis University of Athens, Greece1. Professor, Naji Oueijan,…
Sessions of Student Papers and LecturesTUESDAY 24 May 2016Papers in the Conference Room of Theoxenia Hotel 16:00 Welcome addresses Session One | 16:30 - 18:00Chair:…
TUESDAY 18 May 2004 - Papers in the Byron HouseSession One 10:00-11:30amChair, Professor Peter W. Graham, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Director of…
WEDNESDAY May 18 2005 - Papers in the Byron HouseSession One 10:00-11:30amChair, Professor Peter W. Graham, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Director of…
Sessions of Student Papers and Lectures SATURDAY 20 May 2017Papers in the Byron House 09:30 Welcome addresses 09:50 David McClay, Consultant Librarian for the Messolonghi…
Thursday 22 May 2014, Papers in the Byron House 10:15 Welcome addresses Session One | 10:30-12:00Chair: Professor Jonathan Gross, DePaul University, USA 1. Naji Queijan,…
TUESDAY 26 June 2007 - Papers in the Byron HouseSession One 10:00-12:00Chair, Professor Andrew Hubbell, Susquehanna University U.S.1. Sarah Welteroth, Susquehanna University "Byron: An Advocator…
MONDAY 19 May 2008 - Papers in the Byron HouseSession One 10:00-11:30Chair, Professor Peter Myrian, University of Indianapolis, Athens1. Dr Maria Schoina, Aristotle University of…