We are pleased to inform you that the 40th International Byron Conference, will be held in Georgia at Tbilisi State University on the following topic: ‘’Byron Original and Byron Translated’’.
Later we will offer more detailed information.
The dates have been already agreed and they are as follows:
Arrival: Sunday, 22nd June, 2014, Opening, Plenary.
Sessions and Activities: from 23rd June, Monday – till 27th June, Friday.
Departures: 28th June, Saturday, 2014.
Registration for the conference, travels and dinners, etc. will be free.
Four star Hotel (www.verepalace.com.ge) prices are expected: $95 per night for single occupancy, $60 – double occupancy.
Further announcements concerning the hotels, activities, etc. and call for papers will appear on the International Byron Society web-site in early October.
Preliminary confirmations are welcome.
Professor Innes Merabishvili,
President of the Byron Society of Georgia